Saturday, September 06, 2008

Why Lightroom will win

Without a doubt if you take hundreds of pictures in a year or even thousands- the software for editing those pictures gets old or can't do what you want it to do. That is where lightroom steps in..... Its more intuitive and easier than Photoshop its only downside that I see are it's database management. Currently I use Imatch for my photodatabase software and I must say it is really good. After much debate I recently went through all my pictures- deleted o.o.f. images and just plain bad images. So I'm down to ~17,000 keepers in which I could sort them using location, people, things, etc. This is something Lightroom does not do well at all.

Back to Lightroom- This program gives you the flexibility to edit the same image over and over without destroying the image. The sliders and even the free presets out there can keep both hardcore photographers and point and shooters happy for years to come. Not to mention it is cheaper than Photoshop and allot of other so-called photo editing programs.

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