Wednesday, July 13, 2016

501 days of data on the traffic noise in the Village of Justice

500+ days of recorded data of traffic noise......   Do I feel any better? NOPE!

I am happier that we are very slowly, maybe at the rate of a 10th of that a snail, getting sidewalks.  It is also welcome news that the Village will be connecting to the I&M bike path.  Maybe turn the vacant lot at the end of Oak Grove into a parking lot, heck even charge $1 to park (honor system).

The Village of Justice does have some promising qualities e.g. property with large plots of land, nice neighbors, quiet local traffic.  It also has lots of things that need work too e.g.  Loud traffic from the larger roads, sub par schools , almost no businesses for walking around the neighborhood and lets not forget the earthquakes from the quarry blasts!  I believe the Village is going in the right direction even if I believe nothing has been done to address the LOUD traffic noise. I also believe if the Village could tap into some of the resources e.g. Permaculture is a thing I believe would attract people to this area and would like to see it promoted, even a farmers market would attract people.  We now live in a time were people are very interested in where their food comes from- and would love to have huge gardens a few chickens even a small goat.  Lets face it, I would rather listen to a rooster/goat all day than to LOUD traffic noise that can be unrelenting!  I'm pretty sure sure if I broadcasted music at 50-60dB all night towards the street someone would call the cops yet if you visit my stats page you will see we live with this sort of noise daily even through the night!

Oh, I did get a nasty email about my comment of sub-par schools.  So here; In 2015 the calculated Average Standard Score was 39.05 out of 100!  Brodnicki is Ranked1150th of elementary schools in Illinois.  Yet looking at my property tax bill and comparing it to other friends that live in districts with much better schools I see almost no cost difference.

remember testing only starts in 3rd grade, a quick example:,3089&search_url=%2Fillinois%2Fhickory-hills%2Fschools%2F

In case you want a direct link:
I have the recorded stats for the past 500+ days!
Check the stats:

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