Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why the Village of Justice IL. Belongs on the list of worst suburbs of Chicago

Why the Village of Justice IL. Belongs on the list of worst suburbs of Chicago

Wow, that seems harsh- I know it does but lets be honest.

1. Primary and middle schools are rated very poorly in the state!
2. Property taxes are on par with many school districts that do far better
3. Noise pollution, traffic noise is bad 54dB at 10pm- more on that bellow
4. lost the small town atmosphere (village hall/building dept. not as helpful as they use to be)
5. not family friendly (little to no sidewalks, two parks with super high traffic noise and broken equipment for long stretches of time, teenagers smoking and drinking at kids park).
6. High fees e.g. having one's work truck impounded (not the highest in the state but damn close)
7. Lost its hometown suburb street look (lots of trees cut out), few to no kids playing.
8. park district offers minimal programs
9. library staff is about a 50:50 mix of helpful/very nice to abrupt and almost rude.
10. little to no library programs.  TURNS OUT, this isn't completely true  BUT It is amazing how many people we have met from the Village at other library programs e.g. Bridgeview, Green Hill, Orland, Oaklawn and even Chicago branches.

So yesterday at around 4pm I noticed a spike in the traffic noise, yes- easily heard through double pane windows.  I took some measurements outside and found that excluding the horn on the train (we live near the railroad tracks) one could not distinguish between a train running and not running!  That my friends is very disturbing and no- this should not be common BUT IT IS COMMON!  Before you get to asking the question- I do have proof, not only in the form of us living in the village for well over 10 years now and noticed a shift to louder and louder traffic noise over the past ~3 years.  I've also been recording the traffic noise daily for almost a year! I've been using a Bruel & Kjaer 2209 sound meter to check the sound levels in the morning.  Being about one mile from I-55 and I-294 (as a crow flies in both cases) I started measuring sound levels as I leave for work near 73rd and Oak Grove Ave. You too can do this as the smartphones of today are a powerful tool and as it turns out very accurate in giving directional sound level measurements. Start recording the sound levels with one of many free sound level apps and let the Village know you are not happy with the sound levels.

This is my log, copy it and add your daily data- don't forget to post a link on the net!

Village of Justice Traffic noise levels

Here is now a list of reasons why I'm still living in the Village of Justice:

1. Waiting for property values to raise as we would like to get at least most of the money we invested back.
2. Easy to contact the mayor and yes, he is, pretty responsive.  (we called because our houses were shaking almost violently every day.  Several neighbors and I contacted the building dept and mayor; we were notified that they contacted the quarry near Brookfield and they installed a seismometer at the Lipinski Center and believe it or not, the house shaking happens only 1-3 times a month and not as violent.)
3. Neighbors are nice/helpful
4. We can walk to the park(s)
5. We have a park district
6. We do have a library

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